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The world is a place for opportunities

Opportunities of greatness, wealth, and prosperity

Opportunities of deceit, selfishness, and anguish

Opportunities of knowledge, power, and control

but faithfully I'll take the opportunity for

a simple, compassionate, and experienced life

After work yesterday, I had a confrontation with one of the biggest troublemakers in the school. Throughout the day, we both knew that it was going to happen  and kept sharing quick jabs at one another. He believed he was better than I and wanted to test his testosterone on me. Well I decided to let him try to step up to the big men's den and so we made the plans to meet up after school. Once we started, he landed the first shot and it was back and forth from there. After a tiring round we decided to take a breather and return in a few minutes to the exciting game of basketball.

The Bad Seed

It was a great and fun time where  I was able to give him some pointers and just pal around a little bit. This boy is stepping into a scary world and trying to figure himself out. More than anything, he needs an older mentor to help guide him down the right directions.Yet, some teachers would go as far as disliking this student, giving up on him, and writing the individual up as a lost cause. Even worse is that it is usually the very opposite of the situation. Those students with behavior problems aren't rebelling against authority but are screaming for loving guidance.

Labels: Everyone's Passion

 There are many boys out there whom get the stigma as a problem child and never lose it for the rest of their lives. I know as a teacher that it is hard not to organize and classify students on their behavior. It is almost impossible to keep on pace of the curriculum whenever you don't have all the kids understood as ones whom are willing and not willing to learn. The problem comes whenever those who aren't learning doesn't come from an unwillingness, but from not knowing how to learn or behave. These kids grow to think that they are scum and black sheep of society and we are the ones who are responsible for the labels. Us, Jesus followers, teachers, pastors, cousins, big brothers, neighbors, nosy observer all label a child as a lost cause or a blessing to the world. Knowing how we felt growing up with a label pointed on us, we continue in the horrible modern tradition. When will the times change and we revolutionize our interactions with the youth of today?


Church Signs: Whats Your Guilty Pleasure

    I suppose we all have one or two or three, but it sure doesn't make them any less embarrassing. Some are addicted to talk-shows vintage Jerry Springer style and others cannot get enough of those annoying little alien Teletubbies, but those both fail in comparison to mine. I do secretly admit to loving HGTV, but that's not my worst guilty pleasure. Ok... I'll come clean... I love reading church signs.  Those really disturbing messages about Jesus put in a poser relevant and opposite of humorous way is like dead skin that must be peeled. It really saddens me that millions of people drive by these signs and think that this is what following Christ is all about. In reality, I wonder if the churches really believe these signs are helping them "win" souls for God. On the other hand, I could be just the strange one who is not affected by them.

    After all, they always do get my attention. There could be a small sign and church beside a large multistory bank, and my eyes hone in straight to the little "Jesus loves you" sign. This morning, I drove by one that was done in the usual one-liner with a message behind it kind of way. It read, "Be an organ donor, give your heart to Jesus". The message does make me chuckle a little in my head, but on a sign it sounds like a bad car salesman trying to give me a horrible deal on a 1980's Relient K.

Maybe I am the only one with this guilty pleasure, but I doubt it. If you are stricken with this horrible addiction, then its time to come out of the closet and be proud of who you are. Share with all of us, the juiciest message on a sign that you've read.


Get fat on Tuesday and burn ashes on Wednesday

Yesterday, was the most holiest day of gluttony. Known as Fat Tuesday, many Catholics, Lutherans, spiritual and non-spiritual moochers decided to celebrate in this festive holiday by seeing how much chocolate, caffeine, alcohol, or anything else they can shove down their pie hole. The whole celebration is to help in preparation for Lent where an individual fasts from a particular food, beverage, electronical device, game, blogging, or whatever else that is not inherently wrong but does have a strong hold in one's life. One abstains from the object, action that they had chosen for the entire forty day season of Lent.

Sadly, Fat Tuesday totally snuck up on me and I forgot to celebrate it. I had been looking forward to it for awhile, but like a boring college class I just missed it. I'm also having a hard time deciding what I will abstain from this year. My everyday routine involves waking up, getting ready, going to work, come home and play with my boys. I can't really cancel any of those and my work consists of computers so I can't fast from computers. I would stop drinking coffee, but I don't get to drink it but a couple of times a week and the same goes for playing my guitar. I guess my choices really end up being meat, t.v.,  sex, and listening to music. More than anything, I think I'll learn that I have a boring life this season.

For those of you who lead more entertaining lives tell me what you are fasting and we can help keep each other accountable.  I've pretty much decided that I am going to go vegetarian this season.

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The Way and The World: A Tao

The Way is a limitless vessel;
Used by the self, it is not filled by the world;
It cannot be cut, knotted, dimmed or stilled;
Its depths are hidden, ubiquitous and eternal;
I don't know where it comes from;
It comes before nature -Tao

I love reading various ancient sacred texts and finding glimpses of God. In this passage the Tao is telling us that the world in which we exist is completely separate from The Way. No matter how hard we try to pinpoint The Way, God or that thing beyond us, we will always fall short. God is separate from us and though he might reveal himself to us, there is no way for us to fully comprehend his complexities, his being, his truths.


Road Rage Collision: Whats Your Experience?

This morning while stopped at a light, the man in the car next to me got out of his car and went to talk with the car behind him. I was nervous and anxious at the same time because I have never seen any real road rage incidents in my life. Sadly, nothing happened as the angry man quietly strolled back to his car after speaking his peace.  The real amazing thing about it was he managed to get back into his car before the light turned green, so he has to get some  kudos for that one.

I wonder how other road rage confrontations made the innocent bystander drivers feel in the moment. If you have any confrontation stories that you would like to share then just leave it in the comments below. I'll post my favorite ones in the days to come.

Whats Your Story?


Do you believe that you are a pushover? Is every stranger, friend, and lover taking advantage of you? If so, then I am here to tell you about my new exciting new self-help plan that helped turn me away from being the pushover to being the pusher.

Nothing like a horrible self-help introductory sentence to make your skin crawl. Then again, I'm sure it made you read this paragraph. On topic now, driving to work made me think of the type of people we are becoming. Whenever I went to the mall, while I was growing up, I would always open the door for the lady behind me. Of course everyone else behind her saw the sucker whom had let someone pass, so then they had to make a dash through the door while quietly mocking my ignorant youth. Everytime this happened, it really pissed me off that no one was willing to grab the door, but I kept on doing it anyway. After many "learning" experiences, I began to develop the right technique to door holding which includes letting the door hit the next able body person to try and steal a free entrance.

I believe most of life is this way. In every avenue, we switch from being the youthful helper into the self-concerned pusher. I do not think that most people do this on purpose. Its just survival of the fittest working its magic in this world.Whether it is letting a driver in front of you, giving a dime to a kid who only needs a nickel for a soda, allowing the person with less groceries ahead in line or unloading a bag into a car from an elderly lady's shopping cart,  liife has become so fast that we don't have the time or desire to help out the person next to us. While driving this morning, I saw that the turn signal to the car next to me was flickering. I didn't want to risk making bad time to work so I didn't let the car in front me. I don't know when he was able to get over, but I do know I could've just made things easier by simply tapping my brakes.

I only wonder if I have it better now that I don't get pushed over or was life better when I was a absent-minded youth?


Creating into Change

Emergent Voyageurs has a really good discussion every Friday dealing with art. This week is no different and is one that I am always questioning myself about.  Should we, as Christians, even participate in art when there are so many more vitally important things going on in the world that needs to be done? As an artist and musician, I have battled with this in both spiritual and professional terms.

Its In the Genes

Music and art has been in my family's genes for a number of generations. My mom is even an accomplished professional artist and I at one point was about to attend either the Ringling School of Art here in the Tampa area or Berklee College of Music in Boston, but couldn't convince myself that either was a worthy career endeavor. In art, you are creating a piece of work that can be hung on the wall like a poster and as a musician you can write a song that can be played through someone's iPod, but neither one will directly affect and change the world in itself. This wasn't suitable enough for me. I want to be able to know that when I die, the world has been changed for the better. Therefore, I decided the best way would be to go into "Church Ministry".

The Drive Inside

Perhaps it might just be the creative gift in me, but I have always felt like God was trying to convince me that I do need to go into a more artistic endeavor. I have always listened to a piece of music or admired a piece of art and always thought that I could've made something similar to it. It drove me crazy and a lot of times I withdrew into depression because inside I really wanted to be creating, but did not feel like it was a worthy enough calling. This was until one day in the past year, when I began to watch other people listening to music. They were so passionate about it that they felt as if the music was telling their life story. A new day formed in my life and I realized that I truly had never listened to or admired a piece of art at all.

The Truth is Different

For the past year, I have began to really allow myself to become vulnerable and enjoy art for its message. Previously, I took a piece and dissected it as a critic digging through another man's work. Without any heart or desire to really hear what's being said, I wanted to know the talent behind it. Thankfully, I'm in a minority about viewing art in this way. Billions of people are changed by art everyday. Not only was I wrong that art doesn't change the world but I was oblivious to the fact that art is one of the largest catalysts for change. The painting on the wall of a large oak tree standing lonely in a dark field could be a window into the souls of many. The poetry sitting quietly behind a large arrangement of guitars and drums could be the movement in your blood. These words laying gently on my screen could be the shoes upon my feet.


A Conflicting Conversation: The Life of Immigrants

    The other day I was having a conversation with one of my students about illegal immigrants. He is very opinionated about how a certain segment of them do not need to be here. If they do not even try to learn English or be a civilized member of our society, then they should all be deported back to their country. I do have to admit that I sometimes get very frustrated when driving down the road behind an over packed truck completely disregarding any and all rules of the road or waiting impatiently behind one of them in a shopping line while they try to explain in Spanish to an English speaking cashier about why their out of date coupon needs to be taken. I really do get weighed down on this issue from both angles, and the student feels this way because of personal experiences with them.. One of my closest friends has recently graduated from college and is being threatened to be deported because it is extremely difficult to jump through the bureaucratic circles to become an American citizen.

Who Do I Blame?

  While I might have conflicting viewpoints tugging at me, I do think there is another question that needs to be asked about the whole illegal immigrant situation. How are they able to afford to live in this overpriced country? I do not know Which way you believe about this issue, but I do not think we should blame the outside government for the huge conflict. Most illegal immigrants work quietly under the table for major corporations. Hell, here in Florida there are many working for Florida's Natural and other orange companies. They work hard manual labor for less than minimum wage and help keep the juice prices competitively low. If you want to put blame on this issue look at the boxes in the grocery store and the hangers in the department stores. There are many people willing to complain about the situation, but I wonder if anyone is willing to do anything about it. This is truly something that we could do something about by simply not buying any of the products. While I do get frustrated with many of them, I can only look to my past Irish lineage and admit that my family was in the same boat barely a century ago. I, personally, do believe that their children will be raised and become contributors to society. Then again, if I decide that they are wasting away all of our tax dollars, I shouldn't complain until I stop buying my groceries, clothes and cars.

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Captured by Truth: The Story of My Son

"The truth is a trap: you can not get it without it getting you; you cannot get the truth by capturing it, only by its capturing you." - Soren Kierkegaard

Quick Note: Who is Kierkegaard (Skip if you don't care)

One of the men who had a large influence in today's evil secular postmodern society is Soren Kierkegaard. If you so boldly choose to read any of this philosopher's books, you will find  the truths of which most people believe in today. The entire war between Christianity and today's world is about relative truth and subjectivity, which is most supported by this man. This man, Soren Kierkegaard, whom persistently questioned the struggles in life and through it all devoutly followed after Jesus Christ wrote that only by a subjective experience captured by truth can we know when something is true.                     

Firstborn Son

Before my first son was born, I couldn't wait for the day when my wife would go into labor. It seemed as each day passed in August time passed slower and slower. My being had almost been completely eaten away by anxiety. In reality, I was extremely nervous about the entire situation because I had no idea what I was getting into. Then it happened. Erica went into labor and after a hard day's work, Addison Levi Miracle was born. The truth that I had a son whom I instantly loved quickly overwhelmed me and left me to tears. I sought to have feelings for him before he was born, but they were almost manufactured and came from fear of not having any. I wasn't worried that I wouldn't love him, only that I hadn't yet. It was only after being captured by the experience of holding him and looking at him helplessly crying in my arms that the truth was I love this boy.

Thought on Truth

What I love about the above quote is that it is not saying that experience creates truth, but only through some kind of experience can anyone know truth. It reminds me of times when I was a boy chasing after squirrels. No matter how hard I try, I just couldn't catch one. It wasn't until I became tired and laid quietly that the squirrel actually came curiously up to my nose. In so many times, we have all tried to find any truth by searching for it. Maybe instead of searching for truth, we should be waiting and listening for the truth whenever we read, watch a movie, listen to a friend, laugh, relax, go out, cry, wait in line, go shopping, make love and meditate.

quote from

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God's Protection: An Entry

Scott McKnight over at Jesus Creed has put up a commentary post on his blog about Psalm 119. In it he is equating God's protection not as a parent guarding a child, but as the one who keeps us from becoming evil and immoral. When we are surrounded by the rich who rob from the poor, the beautiful woman who seduces the married man, and the hypocritical religious fanatics whom lie to gain self-worth, God will shield us from falling victim to their trappings.

From His blog entry...

First, God is “my refuge” — the place where the psalmist hides.
Second, God is “my shield” — the place where one is protected from attack.
Third, it appears that his refuge and his shield are found in God’s Word (114b).
Fourth, therefore, since God is protecting him, the psalmist exhorts his opponents to keep their distance.

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Angel from Clay: How are we molding others?

I heard a great quote this morning from a fellow educator whom was speaking in front of the student body. Michaelangelo once said that he looks at a piece of clay, sees an angel inside and then becomes compelled to release it. Adding to the quote, this teacher said to the students that she looks at them, sees their greatness and becomes compelled to help reveal it. At that moment, something clicked. I began to look around the room and see the same thing. Every child in the room was being molded into the person that they would become in some part because of me.

What I don't think most people realize is that everyone has some role in shaping an individual's life. The real challenge comes not when one chooses the red or blue pill and shapes someone elses life, but what form will take shape when we begin to sculpt. As educators, pastors, parents, brothers, sisters, friends, and neighbors we need to always be mindful of our actions and speech. It  is the great poet John Mayer who said it best, "Girls become lovers who turn into mothers so mothers be good to your daughters too." I suppose everyone has the choice to help mold an masterpiece, disaster or an half-assed work of carelessness, but as I follow in the steps of Jesus I have no choice but listen to his words quoted from Deuteronomy, "Love your creator with all your heart... and care for the individual beside you as you take care of yourself".

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Aubade: A poem about breaking into a new day

I found an amazing piece of poetry on's blog. I have conversed with him on forums and I love his use of words. The simple and elegant phrases that he crafts together truly add inspiration to any reader. This following poem was not written by him, but you can see some of his inspiration in the words.


(definition: A song or instrumental composition concerning, accompanying, or
evoking daybreak)

Here we stand,

Friends and fathers,

The whisper of things to come around our ankles.

We face the dawn,

Sing into being a break in the night,

See beyond the black a world lit white with promise.

Here are our dancers, our poets, our lovers,

Here are a million stories,

... [read more]

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