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Road Rage Collision: Whats Your Experience?

This morning while stopped at a light, the man in the car next to me got out of his car and went to talk with the car behind him. I was nervous and anxious at the same time because I have never seen any real road rage incidents in my life. Sadly, nothing happened as the angry man quietly strolled back to his car after speaking his peace.  The real amazing thing about it was he managed to get back into his car before the light turned green, so he has to get some  kudos for that one.

I wonder how other road rage confrontations made the innocent bystander drivers feel in the moment. If you have any confrontation stories that you would like to share then just leave it in the comments below. I'll post my favorite ones in the days to come.

Whats Your Story?


Anonymous said...

One day i was sitting 3rd car back at a stop light when the front car did not go. This made th esecond car mad i guess. So he rammend the back of the other car. Then they both got out and had words. I call dispach on my radion and a leo was there quick.

It just seems crazy what people are capable of when over come by emotions while losing a grip on logic.

Miracle said...

Yeh, but I also wonder why we always blame one individual. Doesn't it take two to tango?

DT said...

Hey, someone's gonna pay for it, and its not gonna be me! It is always the other guy's fault.