I heard a great quote this morning from a fellow educator whom was speaking in front of the student body. Michaelangelo once said that he looks at a piece of clay, sees an angel inside and then becomes compelled to release it. Adding to the quote, this teacher said to the students that she looks at them, sees their greatness and becomes compelled to help reveal it. At that moment, something clicked. I began to look around the room and see the same thing. Every child in the room was being molded into the person that they would become in some part because of me.
What I don't think most people realize is that everyone has some role in shaping an individual's life. The real challenge comes not when one chooses the red or blue pill and shapes someone elses life, but what form will take shape when we begin to sculpt. As educators, pastors, parents, brothers, sisters, friends, and neighbors we need to always be mindful of our actions and speech. It is the great poet John Mayer who said it best, "Girls become lovers who turn into mothers so mothers be good to your daughters too." I suppose everyone has the choice to help mold an masterpiece, disaster or an half-assed work of carelessness, but as I follow in the steps of Jesus I have no choice but listen to his words quoted from Deuteronomy, "Love your creator with all your heart... and care for the individual beside you as you take care of yourself".
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Nice Matrix reference!
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