The other day I was having a conversation with one of my students about illegal immigrants. He is very opinionated about how a certain segment of them do not need to be here. If they do not even try to learn English or be a civilized member of our society, then they should all be deported back to their country. I do have to admit that I sometimes get very frustrated when driving down the road behind an over packed truck completely disregarding any and all rules of the road or waiting impatiently behind one of them in a shopping line while they try to explain in Spanish to an English speaking cashier about why their out of date coupon needs to be taken. I really do get weighed down on this issue from both angles, and the student feels this way because of personal experiences with them.. One of my closest friends has recently graduated from college and is being threatened to be deported because it is extremely difficult to jump through the bureaucratic circles to become an American citizen.
Who Do I Blame?
While I might have conflicting viewpoints tugging at me, I do think there is another question that needs to be asked about the whole illegal immigrant situation. How are they able to afford to live in this overpriced country? I do not know Which way you believe about this issue, but I do not think we should blame the outside government for the huge conflict. Most illegal immigrants work quietly under the table for major corporations. Hell, here in Florida there are many working for Florida's Natural and other orange companies. They work hard manual labor for less than minimum wage and help keep the juice prices competitively low. If you want to put blame on this issue look at the boxes in the grocery store and the hangers in the department stores. There are many people willing to complain about the situation, but I wonder if anyone is willing to do anything about it. This is truly something that we could do something about by simply not buying any of the products. While I do get frustrated with many of them, I can only look to my past Irish lineage and admit that my family was in the same boat barely a century ago. I, personally, do believe that their children will be raised and become contributors to society. Then again, if I decide that they are wasting away all of our tax dollars, I shouldn't complain until I stop buying my groceries, clothes and cars.
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