"The truth is a trap: you can not get it without it getting you; you cannot get the truth by capturing it, only by its capturing you." - Soren Kierkegaard
Quick Note: Who is Kierkegaard (Skip if you don't care)
One of the men who had a large influence in today's evil secular postmodern society is Soren Kierkegaard. If you so boldly choose to read any of this philosopher's books, you will find the truths of which most people believe in today. The entire war between Christianity and today's world is about relative truth and subjectivity, which is most supported by this man. This man, Soren Kierkegaard, whom persistently questioned the struggles in life and through it all devoutly followed after Jesus Christ wrote that only by a subjective experience captured by truth can we know when something is true.
Firstborn Son
Before my first son was born, I couldn't wait for the day when my wife would go into labor. It seemed as each day passed in August time passed slower and slower. My being had almost been completely eaten away by anxiety. In reality, I was extremely nervous about the entire situation because I had no idea what I was getting into. Then it happened. Erica went into labor and after a hard day's work, Addison Levi Miracle was born. The truth that I had a son whom I instantly loved quickly overwhelmed me and left me to tears. I sought to have feelings for him before he was born, but they were almost manufactured and came from fear of not having any. I wasn't worried that I wouldn't love him, only that I hadn't yet. It was only after being captured by the experience of holding him and looking at him helplessly crying in my arms that the truth was I love this boy.
Thought on Truth
What I love about the above quote is that it is not saying that experience creates truth, but only through some kind of experience can anyone know truth. It reminds me of times when I was a boy chasing after squirrels. No matter how hard I try, I just couldn't catch one. It wasn't until I became tired and laid quietly that the squirrel actually came curiously up to my nose. In so many times, we have all tried to find any truth by searching for it. Maybe instead of searching for truth, we should be waiting and listening for the truth whenever we read, watch a movie, listen to a friend, laugh, relax, go out, cry, wait in line, go shopping, make love and meditate.
quote from Wikiquote.org
Tags: love, truth, soren Kierkegaard, labor, search for truth
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