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So Yesterday: Driving Away From Coaching

It is finally here, but it only seemed like yesterday when it was the first nervous day of practice. Four months ago, I started coaching the school's basketball team. I was given fifteen players whom most had never picked up a ball for a lengthy period of time to whip into shape and make them a team. Well they are team and a very close-knit one, but with a 2-12 record. We've had close games with great teams, horrible games with bad team and one game where I even got ejected (not a pleasant memory). In the end, I do believe this basketball coaching season was one of my most fondest memories in a long while.

The guys on the team are very neat. We consist of a few very talented ones, but mostly young guys with passionate hearts. I do not know if we lost every game because of bad coaching, but I do know that I have helped mold a few boys into becoming real and spirit-filled men. I say that coaching this season was one of the best times of my life, but I am also excited that it is almost over. Sadly, I'm not going to return to teaching, let alone coaching, next year. I am going to return full-time to my studies and my other projects: ginkworld, church, faith, internet, and most importantly my wife and two wonderful boys. Will I return someday to coaching? Maybe, but I doubt it. It truly is funny how you could love something so much but be so willing to give it up for something different. Maybe my coaching this year had less to do with me and more of God using me for a reason...