Well hello everyone and anyone who might accidently come across this brand knew blog. This is my first attempt at blogging, and I just have been getting into forums just recently. I suppose it is time to get the show on the road, and get started with my first post. It is pretty much the routine first blog so don't be expecting anything profound right now :).
What is the purpose of getting a blog for me? Well, I really don't know just yet. I suppose I just had to jump on the bandwagon with everyone else. There is no preconceived theme that is going to drive this blog, I will just let it evolve into what it will be. This is pretty much the reason why I decided to name it The freedom of Blues. I read in the book Blue like Jazz that the best and worst part about jazz music is that there is no resolve. Well I myself have always been a fan of Jazz and more specifically the roots of Blues, I had never stopped to realize that there really isn't any resolve in Jazz. Therefore, I decided to add the philosophy that I will live my life without worrying about the resolve at the end of the day. Oh boy, I can allready see the flames being thrown at me, how dare I call myself a Christian.
Anyway to get back on topic, originally what drew me to the Blues was the notion of improv. At any point in the song, the musician had the ability to add to the song wherever his heart and mind led him. There might be a prearranged flow, but it is the heart which leads the song. Because of this, the song will evolve into what it is supposed to be felt. This has always been the beauty of the Blues to me. I am just a white upperclass twenty-something year old from an old small town, so I might not know the pains that Robert Johnson felt, but I can enjoy the Blues for the fact it is driven by the moment and heart.
This is why I chose the title Freedom of Blues. I do not have any foundational thoughts on where it will end. Instead, I am giving it the opportunity to become what it will be through the heart of my posts. If you cannot stand chaos, clutter, or unorganized writing, then I would suggest finding another blog to read. The only thing I can tell you that will be consistent is that it will be a written representation of who I am. There will be weeks when I wont post, there will be oneline posts, there will be a essay worthy of a college paper, there will be poetry, there will be just mere questions and observations. This is the only thing I can say that it consistently will be, that it will be extremely inconsistent :)
And thats the end
The routine background check
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